Bones festes a tothom!
Avui mostraré el regal de Nadal dels meus cosins petits: un estoig ben gros perquè hi puguin ficar tot el que necessitin per anar a classe.
Happy holidays to everyone!
Today I'm gonna show you the Christmas presents I made for my little cousins: big pencil cases they can fill with everything they need at school.
Després d'haver-los cosit seguint aquest tutorial, me'n vaig témer de que eren més grossos de l'esperat. Però han quedat molt bé i m'estic plantejant fer-ne més per regalar o per jo mateixa.
When I finished sewing following this tutorial, I noticed the pencil cases were huge, bigger than what I expected. Anyway, they look great ant I plan to make more of them to give as gifts or for myself.
Tenc alguns projectes a mig fer que esper enllestir abans que acabi l'any i poder mostrar aviat. Bon Nadal ;)
I also have some projects I want to finish before the end of the year, I hope I can show them soon. Merry Christmas ;)
24 de desembre del 2013
Boxy Pencil Cases - Christmas Gift
1 de desembre del 2013
Pink Dolman Top - Birthday Gift
La peça d'avui és una camiseta que fa molt que està cosida, però ha costat fer-li fotos (sobretot perquè és un regal per algú altre i no m'afavoreix gens). El patró és molt senzill, la camiseta de la revista Burda #113 de setembre de 2013, la tela és un punt elàstic de color rosa que també té algunes puntades blanques.
Today's garment is a top I sew a long time ago, but it took me ages to take a photo of it (mostly because is a present for someone else and it look horrible on me). The pattern was so easy to sew and it's from Burda, model #113 from September 2013, the fabric is a pink jersey with some white (it's a bit hard to explain...).
El regal és per l'al·lota de mon pare, que va fer els anys fa uns dies. El principal problema va ser que no sabia la seva talla, però és una dona petitona i mon pare i jo vam pensar que li agradaria aquesta camiseta (li vaig fer algunes modificacions).
The gift is for my father's girlfriend, whose birthday was some days ago. The biggest problem was I had no idea of her size, but as she's a petite woman (I guess), my father and I though she would like this top (I made some modifications).
Ella encara no ha vist el regal, però esper que li agradi molt (també esper poder cosir més cosetes, tenc un munt de projectes pendents!!).
She hasn't seen the present yet, but I hope she likes it (I also hope to have more time for sewing, I have lots of awaiting projects!!).
Today's garment is a top I sew a long time ago, but it took me ages to take a photo of it (mostly because is a present for someone else and it look horrible on me). The pattern was so easy to sew and it's from Burda, model #113 from September 2013, the fabric is a pink jersey with some white (it's a bit hard to explain...).
El regal és per l'al·lota de mon pare, que va fer els anys fa uns dies. El principal problema va ser que no sabia la seva talla, però és una dona petitona i mon pare i jo vam pensar que li agradaria aquesta camiseta (li vaig fer algunes modificacions).
The gift is for my father's girlfriend, whose birthday was some days ago. The biggest problem was I had no idea of her size, but as she's a petite woman (I guess), my father and I though she would like this top (I made some modifications).
Ella encara no ha vist el regal, però esper que li agradi molt (també esper poder cosir més cosetes, tenc un munt de projectes pendents!!).
She hasn't seen the present yet, but I hope she likes it (I also hope to have more time for sewing, I have lots of awaiting projects!!).
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