Good afternoon everyone! I'm sorry for not being able to upload the blog often, but here you have a T-shirt and a skirt I planned to wear for my birthday, more or less a month ago.
La camiseta està basada en el patró de Burda #128 de març de 2013 i al final va quedar prou bé (una mica llarga, potser, però sempre la puc dur per dins els calçons).
The top is based on the pattern #128 from March 2013 by Burda and it turned out pretty good, even if it's a bit too long.
Estic molt contenta per la falda perquè volia alguna peça de roba amb motius tribals, però que també fos discreteta i vaig trobar un tutorial ideal de a pair & a spare.
I am really proud af the skirt as I wanted something simple with tribal details, I was glad to find this tutorial by a pair & a spare.
Pel patró vaig triar el model de Burda #117 d'abril de 2013 (una falda curta i simple) i la cinta la vaig comprar a una merceria de Palma després de cercar una mica. Només vaig haver d'estrènyer la cintura perquè havia agafat una talla massa gran.
For the pattern, I chose model #117 from April 2013 by Burda (a plain short skirt) and I bought the trim at a notions store (?) from Palma. The only adjustment I made was to take in the waist as the size was too big for me.
Ignorau-me intentant quedar bé a la càmera xD Al final no vaig poder estrenar el conjunt pel meu aniversari (31 de maig) perquè feia fresca, però com a mínim vaig poder lluir la camiseta.
Ignore me pretending to pose for the camera xD At the end, I couldn't wear the outfit for my birthdat (31st May) because the weather was quite cold, but I was able to wear the top, at least.
Camiseta/Top: 10.50€
Falda/Skirt: 10€ aprox
I per acabar, les meves ungles pintades!!
Bonus photo: my painted nails!!
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