It seems really complicated to be constant with the blog, but I find time for sewing from time to time... And I made three different plushies for three birthdays. Keep reading if you want to know more about them!
25 d’octubre del 2016
2 de maig del 2016
Pink Gingham with Video Tutorial
Good morning everyone!
Bon dia a tothom!
When I found this pink gingham fabric in Ikea, I felt very lucky. It's some kind of cotton blend ideal for a summer/spring dress. I've used the DIY Circle Skirt Dress (aka Skater Dress) video tutorial by Annika Victoria (her youtube channel is amazing), but with a half circle skirt.
Bon dia a tothom!
Vaig sentir-me molt afortunada quan vaig trobar aquesta tela de quadrets a Ikea. Segurament és una mescla de cotó ideal per a un vestit de primavera/estiu. Pel patró m'ha servit el vídeo tutorial DIY Circle Skirt Dress (aka Skater Dress) d'Annika Victoria (el seu canal de youtube és fantàstic), però amb una falda de mig cercle.
16 d’abril del 2016
My First Skater Dress
Hi! I've been quite productive lately, so here is another creation of mine!
Holaa! Darrerament he estat bastant productiva i venc a mostrar una altra peça acabada.
Skater dresses are really flattering, but it's a bit tricky for my to fing THE dress that looks nice on me. Back in February, I found a dress that was perfect in Primark and I ended buying two of them. BUT, I think the skirt is too short and I was worried. Fortunately, there were sales in the local fabric store and I bought a thick knit perfect for recreating the dress with some modifications!
Holaa! Darrerament he estat bastant productiva i venc a mostrar una altra peça acabada.
Trob que els vestits amb falda de vol afavoreixen molt, però és difícil trobar EL vestit que me quedi bé a jo. Per febrer vaig trobar un vestit que em quedava bé a Primark i en vaig comprar dos, però la falda és massa curta i em preocupava una mica. Per sort, hi va haver rebaixes a Ribes i Casals i vaig trobar-hi un punt perfecte per copiar el vestit amb algunes modificacions!
31 de març del 2016
The 2 Wise Men Blouses and Sewing Improvement
These blouses should have been submitted ages ago, as they were made for the Three Wise Men day (in fact, the day before because it's my aunt's birthday and then we also have dinner together after receiving the Wise Men). The first one was done in January 2015, whereas the second was done in January 2016. And there is a HUGE improvement between both.
Fa segles que aquestes bruses estan acabades, ja que eren per dur el dia de Reis (bé, el dia abans perquè celebrem l'aniversari de la meva tia i llavors anem tota la família a rebre els Reis i dinam i sopam junts). La primera la vaig acabar per gener del 2015 i la segona, per gener de 2016. I hi ha una millora ENORME entre l'una i l'altra.
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