How is your summer? I hope you're enjoying it and having a good time. During these months I didn't sew as much as I would have, but the lack of posts is due to the lack of project photos mainly (that's something I will solve soon, I promise!).
Com vos va l'estiu? Esper que l'esteu gaudint i descansant uns dies. Durant aquests mesos de calor no he pogut cosir tant com voldria, però la falta de noves entrades és a causa de la falta de fotos, bàsicament (però promet que hi posaré remei aviat!).
The last project I finished is this whale-ish mobile for a friend's birthday. It was reaaally easy to make and extremely cheap, as I only had to buy the wooden beads and I'll use in another project. Each whale is made of different fabric leftovers and the bell at the end is a cute detail I love.
El darrer projecte que he acabat és aquest mòbil de balenes com a regal d'aniversari. Va ser molt senzill de cosit i barat, ja que només havia de comprar les bolletes de fusta i les utilitzaré aviat en un altre projecte. Cada balena està feta amb diferents trossos de tela que em sobraven i m'encanta com queda el cascavell a l'extrem de baix.
My friend will receive the gift tomorrow and I hope she likes it (last year I made her the Whale Bag and she loves it and always uses it ^^)
La meva amiga rebrà el regal demà i realment esper que li agradi (l'any passat li vaig fer una motxilla-balena que li encanta i utilitza sempre que pot ^^)
See you soon! // Fins aviat!