Damn it, the last entry is so old... Today's entry is about the first garment I sew for someone else (my cousin), Burda pattern #112 from February 2013! It's a fantastic and easy to sew dress, the most difficult thing are the pleats.
Pel pit i la cintura vaig agafar la talla 19 (que equival a la 38) i la 20 pels malucs (equivalent a la 40), he de dir que per ser la primera vegada que faig una mescladissa de talles, va quedar bastant bé i el vestit llueix molt! També vaig allargar una mica els baixos perquè és una al·lota alta.
Size 19 (equivalent to 38) was used for bust and waist and size 20 (equivalent to 40) for hip; even if it was the first time I merge sizes, it turned out pretty well. I also lengthened the hem a bit as she is quite tall.
La tela que va triar queda molt bé amb el model i com a dada curiosa, el vestit també me passa a jo, però no em queda tant bé xD
This is the gorgeous fabric used and as an extra fact, I can wear the dress too but it look much better on her xD
25€ aprox.
Bé, i perdó per les fotos de mala qualitat del mòvil... // And sorry for the bad quality phone photos...